Announcing my first Livestream Event!


I’m going to keep it short as all of the info is on the Patreon page in detail.

Indiestructible is my first livestream event that I have ever planned in detail before hand. Throughout the entire month of June, and if donations allow it, or maybe longer. I’ll be streaming some of the greatest Indie Games around and providing live commentary and gameplay on my Twitch Channel. I’m going to have a lot of fun with it and I hope my viewers do too. If you can’t make it that’s cool, but I will be live every day in June (maybe longer) from 1PM PST to 7PM PST (maybe later if I’m not busy afterwards).

Here is some of the games I will be playing:

Super Meat Boy
Skulls of the Shogun
Broken Age
Grim Fandango
Blast ‘Em Bunnies
Castle Crashers
Alien Hominid
I am Bread
Surgeon Simulator Anniversary Edition
Letter Quest Remastered
Battleblock Theater
No Man’s Sky (Upon Release June 21st)

If there is a game you want me to play you can donate to the Patreon page or to the Paypal link. For every 15 USD I receive I will add an additional game to the playlist, this how the event gets longer. When a game is added via donations I promise to play it even if laying it would make the event last longer than a month. Included in your donation make sure to vote for a game, every dollar you donate is one vote extra vote towards the game you pick. After reaching the milestone I download the game with the most votes. Try to keep in mind with suggestions, I have a Wii U, Weak PC, PS4, and a Xbox One. So try to avoid voting for games not on those platforms.

I know this sounds “Money Grubbing” or like a “Get Rich Quick Thing” but the majority of the money will go towards the game. Most indies run from 10 USD to 20 USD, so almost all of the donations go towards improving the stream. I will also be adding games on my own as well.

Anyway that’s it, I hope some of you decide to attend. I want to thank you all, readers, listeners, and viewers. You all make doing cool stuff like this possible.

If you want to watch the stream check out my Twitch Channel.

For more updates on everything I do and on this event you can stay tuned to my blog, where you are now or follow me on Twitter.

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