New Battleborn Themed Articles Up On Xbox Culture

One of the articles up have been up for a couple of days now but I had a patch related one being edited. So I decided to wait before posting that they exist since they are both about the same game. Anyway the first article did have some negative opinions but I just want everyone who reads my stuff to know that I do like Battleborn and I am going to end up getting it. If I don’t what am I going to play while I wait for Overwatch? The overwatch beta? Yes but that’s for only four days.

Here is my article about the Battleborn Beta as a whole:

It’s a pretty basic article but it does come a bit across as me not liking Battleborn, I actually like it a lot. I’m just worried about it’s current state effecting the launch state.

Here is the most recent patch notes for Battleborn’s Beta:

Thankfully it’s mostly character adjustments and best of all they heavily nerfed Ambra! 😀



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